The Aberdeen angus

The Aberdeen angus

Aberdeen Angus - © William

Best meat of Scotland

Are you a meat lover? If so, you’ve come to the right place. If you’re ever in Scotland, be sure to try the Aberdeen Angus, one of the world’s most beloved beef breeds. From its distinctive flavor to its Scottish origin, there’s a lot to learn about this amazing breed of beef. Let’s dive in and explore the delights of Aberdeen Angus!

What is Aberdeen Angus?

A beef with exceptional qualities

The Aberdeen Angus is a breed of beef originating in Scotland. It is a hardy breed known for its high quality meat. Its meat is well marbled, which makes it incredibly juicy and tasty. It is also prized for its tenderness and is often used in top steakhouses around the world.

Aberdeen Angus is also known as Black Angus, referring to its distinctive black color. The breed was developed in the early 1800s when it was used to produce beef for local markets. Today, it is widely used in commercial beef production… and is a success for Scotland internationally!

History of the Black Angus breed

The Aberdeen Angus breed has a long and fascinating history. It was developed in Scotland in the early 19th century by a group of farmers who wanted to produce high quality beef for the local market.

They selected animals with the best characteristics and bred them, creating a hardy breed with good bovine characteristics. Over time, the breed slowly spread to other parts of the world and is now one of the most popular beef breeds.

The breed has also been used in the United States since the late 1800s. Today, it is one of the most popular beef breeds in the United States and is widely used in commercial beef production.

Characteristics of Aberdeen Angus Beef

Aberdeen Angus beef has a distinctive flavor and texture. The meat is well marbled; known for its intense flavor, which is due to its high fat content.

The meat is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids and other nutrients, making it a healthy choice for consumers.

Where to eat Black Angus?

In Scotland of course! There are many restaurants and pubs that will serve you quality Aberdeen Angus! And there are countless ways to cook it!

As a rib steak, as a steak tartar, as a burger… the Black Angus can be cooked in any way you want! But a word of advice: prefer it in its simplest form, lightly fried, salted and peppered… Meat eaters will fall head over heels in front of such gustatory generosity!

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